Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 2, 2013

9 Months

Hi all! With February gone, Aurora is officially 9 months old. We've certainly had our hads full since the last post, as she has perfected her crawling skills and is now pulling herself up on various objects, testing out her legs for standing. One of our favorite "games" is when one of us leaves the room (say to go to the bathroom), she likes to follow and find us. We are loving every minute of this! The dog, however, seems a bit perturbed that sitting on her chair is no longer safe, as the baby starts to pull herself up and reach for her. Actually, she can reach her if she's sitting on her knees even, so Twizzle is out of luck. :)

Aurora grabbing Twizzle's tail
In other news, at her 9 month check up, she came in at 28.5 inches long, just under 20lbs, and continues to have a big noggin (46.5 cm). She's still taller than most, though she didn't have quite as big of a growth spurt as last time.

Get that thing out of my face!
Well, it's not so bad, but I'm still showing some attitude
Cutie Pie

9 month mugshot

We're not exactly sure when it happened, but there seems to be a huge difference in her ability  to listen and understand. Of course, she's not talking or fully understanding us, but she is growing so much every day. Her personality is really beginning to show. She's giggling more, and making the most hilarious faces. She can make D, T, G, sound with ease, and we are working on M and N. We're excited to see what she will be up to next!

baby in a basket, frumpled hair, frumpled clothes


  1. I cannot believe how big an beautiful Aurora is getting! What a perfect little blessing! and those faces are so funny/cute! p.s. is she Aurora only, or also like Rory... I know my Chris is ONLY Christopher to his family. lol.

  2. Thanks, Michelle! :)

    We're not particular about names, she is Aurora, Rori, Aurora Lee, Stinker, etc.
