Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 28, 2013

10 Months

Another month has come and gone already.  It's almost time to start thinking about the big 01 birthday bash! Well, really we've been thinking about it already, but the actual planning will be underway soon enough.
Standing tall, checking out the kitchen!
We've not been posting as much as we'd hoped. These last few weeks have been filled with us trying to figure out how to buy a house. We had put an offer in on one, it was accepted, and are now trying to wade through paperwork and over obstacles. If everything goes as we hope, we will have a first birthday and housewarming party at the same time. But we're not counting on that, yet.

Aurora officially had/has (she's still getting over it) her first cold. Brandon and Aurora had the cold first, and after a day or two of being used as a human tissue, Jes also fell victim. I think this whole thing was probably harder on us than her. Aurora had a couple nights where she couldn't sleep because her nose wouldn't stop running. Now it's a little better but a cough or stuffy nose also inhibits her regular sleeping. All of this make it hard for mom and dad to sleep, of course. We're experiencing in another way the phrase "when baby isn't happy, nobody is happy!". Happily, we are all on the mend now.

[10 month mugshot will be coming a little later this month due to wanting a non-sick baby for the photo. Stay tuned!}

The other weekend, Jes's parents came to visit. We did some shopping and played some cards. In general, we had a great time.
Continuing her career as a card shark

This weekend coming up is Easter and Brandon's parents are coming to visit. It will be a fun time with eggs, chocolate (not for her), and delicious food cooked by Brandon. We are all looking forward to it.

Trying on the bunny ears from Aunt Viv and Uncle Bruce.
This was a difficult shot since putting things on her head is a favorite game. 

Happy Easter!

Aurora is a lucky little girl to be able to spend quality time with both sets of grandparents, especially since they are not around the corner, so they take the time and effort to come and visit. Even from those Aunts and Uncles who aren't able to visit like Grandma and Grandpa, it is obvious she is quite loved. Just know all of us love you back, just as much <3

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