Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 26, 2013

8 Months!

Here is the promised media-filled blog post to make up for the last post's lack of photos. As ever, we are astonished by her rapid growth and learning developments. These eight months have flown by!

The photos below were re-arranged when uploading, so here they are in random order:

goofy baby

I scooted under the table!

splashing takes concentration
getting ready for dinner

hey dad, what are you doing?

looking cute with zebra tights

her 'old man' face

can you see my two teeth?

tossing the baby 
grabbing dad's glasses on the way down

8 month mug
And here are a few videos:
Feeding herself, watch for her expression on the third puff!

Splish splash-in in the bathtub!
(this one is a little loud - the fan in the bathroom picked up really well... too well)

Our little rockstar

Playtime with Aurora and Twizzle


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