Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 26, 2013

8 Months!

Here is the promised media-filled blog post to make up for the last post's lack of photos. As ever, we are astonished by her rapid growth and learning developments. These eight months have flown by!

The photos below were re-arranged when uploading, so here they are in random order:

goofy baby

I scooted under the table!

splashing takes concentration
getting ready for dinner

hey dad, what are you doing?

looking cute with zebra tights

her 'old man' face

can you see my two teeth?

tossing the baby 
grabbing dad's glasses on the way down

8 month mug
And here are a few videos:
Feeding herself, watch for her expression on the third puff!

Splish splash-in in the bathtub!
(this one is a little loud - the fan in the bathroom picked up really well... too well)

Our little rockstar

Playtime with Aurora and Twizzle


Friday, January 18, 2013


The new year has come and is keeping the Harrington household busy!  Between Brandon's new boss at work keeping him on his toes and Jes starting her internship we've not been able to update you all about the little one. So - here is a quick written update with promise of photos and/or videos to come!

Between Christmas and now it seems Aurora hit a developmental growth spurt. Along with her bottom two teeth, she's started to be interested in more variety and textures of foods. We have tried yogurt, mac'n cheese baby food, turkey gravy and veggies baby food (thanksgiving in a jar?), and banana flavored rice puffs. She is a pro at pinching things, but she has not really figured out how to put food in her mouth herself. For example with the rice puffs - she loves to grab them, throw them (which the dog is starting to like), and play with them, but that's all she has figured out on her own. If either of US hold the puff though, she immediately opens her mouth and tries to eat the puff in our hand (arms to the side or down, of course). So if we're holding a puff, it looks almost like she tries to headbutt our hands.

Also, we anticipate that she might start crawling any day now. She's been rolling around to get places for a while now, and loves to sit up. She hasn't pulled herself into a sitting position yet, but we think it has more to do with the fact that she hasn't tried rather than her ability or strength. Shes starting to rock back on to her knees when she's on her tummy too, so now she has just got to figure out the arm and leg movements.

She's also making more variety of sounds, like da, ta, ma, and na, along with clicking her tongue. She does a lot of other weird things with her tongue too, like sticking it out after every bite or sucking on her upper lip, but I think that has more to do with her personality than her development. At least we've never heard of any sort of tongue related development! Giggling is happening more frequently now too, and her favorite sources of amusement are Twizzle and Dad.

Needless to say, we're having a lot of fun. We can hardly believe how fast she is growing, and that it has been nearly 8 months already! We will post photos and videos soon :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Holiday time (part 2)

Well, the holidays are over now, and we are trying to get back in to the swing of things slowly but surely. The holidays were fun, especially with all the excitement about this being Aurora's first (we were probably more excited about it than her - she won't remember it!). Below is a glimpse of our Christmas(es) and the fun times we had.
"My Christmas outfit!"
Unwrapping gifts worked out better than we thought, and she actually seemed interested in it a bit. She was teething during this time (and still is, though now her two bottom teeth are showing at least), so I think this increased her attention on the new objects. New things for her to put in her mouth!
Eating wrapping paper is the new thing
Tearing it works pretty good too
Her favorite thing to do was eat anything cardboard-ish. So, boxes were one of her favorites. Below is an amusing photo of her getting her hands on the closest box, which was a gift to grandma.
Watch out, I'll eat anything in front of me!
Of course, the packaging was probably the most fun thing around, despite all the awesome gifts she got.
baby loves to play with the bag!
Can you tell I'm teething?
But of course, we all had a lot of fun playing with all the new things!
get the Christmas ornament!

This hat is adorable!!!!

my first doll! it looks like a person, I am fascinated with the face!
I got my cell phone and my shopping bag on my arm, ready to go!
At the end of it all, she turned 7 months. Below is the 'mugshot' for the month... we are using these mugshots to put into one of those 'your first year' picture frames. We have up through 6 months so far, and its really interesting to see! Maybe we can find a way to post the final for all to enjoy.
7 month mug