Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

6 Months

So our daughter is officially halfway through her first year. We are amazed, as all parents are I suppose, at how much she has grown already. According to the latest doctors visit, she is in the 99% for height (nearly 28 inches!), 90% for head circumference, and 60% for weight (not quite 17 lbs). She is really getting in to solid foods, but no teeth have started to show yet. She is also starting to push up more when she's on her belly, so she is working those crawling muscles. She hasn't yet been able to sit up on her own yet, but she is much more stable and can hold herself up relatively well once she is in a sitting position. And she is getting cuter by the day. What else can two happy parents ask for?

6 month mugshot - say cheese!
 Now that it is December, we are getting prepped for Christmas. We are especially looking forward to her reaction to having a tree in the house with lots of lights and other shiny things. I'm sure we will have many photos of that to come :)

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