Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 15, 2012

5 Months and Halloween fun!

One of the best things about having a baby around is dressing them up in ridiculously cute costumes around Halloween.  The costume we had this year, thanks to Grandma Harrington, was a hit. We had two such occasions to show off our cute baby, and will have a third at Thanksgiving where Aurora and her cousin Ondine will be dressed alike.

First was at the church's Halloween Party.
Roman guard and his pumpkin

Witch-ish woman and a stripped down pumpkin

Then was actual Halloween in CT. Even without power and trick-or-treaters, we ran generators and still had a good time.
distracted by the Halloween decor

waiting on trick-or-treaters

And here are some random shots from the last few weeks and her 5 month mugshot - we cannot believe how much she has grown and how fast the time has gone.

5 month mug

just being cute
Playing with the pup

blurry but cute, tolerating mom putting things on her head

Hanging out in the bouncy chair - Thanks Ondine (and Britt and Dan)!

Our love to you all!!

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