Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 29, 2012


We have so much to be thankful for this year, family being the biggest. Not only are we thankful for our own growing family and happy, healthy, baby girl, but we are also happy we have the family to share these moments with. This year for Thanksgiving, we were able to visit Grandma and Grandpa Harrington in DC. We were joined by Britt, Dan, Ondine and Grandpa Curtis and Grandma Doris. It was a wonderful time to catch up with the Harrington side, for Aurora to play with her cousin, and for some good bonding time with both grandparents and great grandparents. We also had the opportunity to have a date night out in DC while the grandparents watched the girls.

Her favorite place for the trip - on the floor playing!

Looking cute and not too mad after her first airplane ride

Got your nose, Grandma!

Grandpa and his girls

Great Grandpa getting down to play
Our card-shark in training, she loved cards!

Thanksgiving love :)

The growing Harrington family

our little trio

all of us! 

Everyone going for a walk in the crisp fall air

Kisses from Ondine

Playing and watching each other - what they did most of the time

two little pumpkins

sitting in the wagon

It was a wonderful trip, and the travel went fairly well (the way home was a little more difficult for the little one, but we managed alright in the end). After the trip, we were all feeling a little like this photo below :)

Pooped after all that excitement!
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Another update will come shortly!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Adventures in flavor

Well, we've been trying a few different kinds of solids and are coming to learn what she likes and what she doesn't like. Its amazing that even at this young age she has the capability to have preferences in things like food. Especially since milk and rice cereal seem so bland to me - I'd rather have flavor!

While carrots and green beans are something Rori likes, peas did not go over so well.

Also, pumpkin was an interesting try.

We will try these flavors again in the future, but for now we are excited to try new things. Other flavors she seemed to like (or at least tolerate) are sweet potato and apples. Perhaps there will be one she loves so much it will be video-worthy.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

5 Months and Halloween fun!

One of the best things about having a baby around is dressing them up in ridiculously cute costumes around Halloween.  The costume we had this year, thanks to Grandma Harrington, was a hit. We had two such occasions to show off our cute baby, and will have a third at Thanksgiving where Aurora and her cousin Ondine will be dressed alike.

First was at the church's Halloween Party.
Roman guard and his pumpkin

Witch-ish woman and a stripped down pumpkin

Then was actual Halloween in CT. Even without power and trick-or-treaters, we ran generators and still had a good time.
distracted by the Halloween decor

waiting on trick-or-treaters

And here are some random shots from the last few weeks and her 5 month mugshot - we cannot believe how much she has grown and how fast the time has gone.

5 month mug

just being cute
Playing with the pup

blurry but cute, tolerating mom putting things on her head

Hanging out in the bouncy chair - Thanks Ondine (and Britt and Dan)!

Our love to you all!!

Puppy love

It is official, she has discovered that the dog is a wonderful thing. Not sure what Twizzle thinks of this, but eventually they will be good friends I'm sure.