Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

birthday post

Hi all! So this last weekend was a long one (because in New England, Columbus day is a state holiday which means no work/school!), and this year it fell on my birthday. What I requested for this year was to go apple picking. It was wonderful, and an amazing excuse to dress up the baby.

Dad and baby
smiling and blinking, we all have this problem

happy flower (outfit from Mrs. Yarbrough)

picking apples!

Aurora and Apples

Later that weekend some CT friends visited. Mostly we just hung out and relaxed, I cooked us some food.

Mandy and Aurora!
As you can see, Aurora is getting bigger by the minute. She's starting to want to sit up on her own (although she cannot yet), and is grabbing at anything in range. This means that I was going to either have to cut my hair very short, or figure out a way to put my hair back without resorting to a pony all the time (I was getting tired of them). So, after 27 years, I've finally figured out how to french braid my own hair. This is a skill that might be helpful for me and Aurora in the coming years. I have a feeling that you will see me sporting this 'do' in many photos to come as well. Hopefully I will also get better at it as time goes on.

In other news, we officially hired some help for a few hours a week. This way Brandon can have some office hours at the church during the after school hours twice a week. She is a nice young lady, recent college graduate, and hopefully we can get a photo up for next week.


  1. Wow.. a nanny ... sounds like the Mary Poppins movie with affluent parents who are too busy to spend time with their own child. It's so interesting how similar our schedules are but how differently we want to parent.

  2. Not sure its all that different, or that our schedules are similar. Anyway its way more affordable than having her in any day care, plus we get to have more control in her environment and activities, and she can stay at home. Also, most day care places had a minimum number of day requirement that was more than we needed, so this way we can spend more time with her, rather than less. More on this in next weeks post! :)

  3. I thought that was the point of Brandon being the full time stay at home parent - to save money, spend time with her, and not need day care or nannies. Hhhmmm, guess I just have a different viewpoint of what stay-at-home means.

  4. Like I said, not sure that our schedules are that similar. With Brandon having two part time jobs, he's not exactly a "full time" stay at home parent. This is a solution that works for us, though, and to each their own.

  5. Brittany your comments are way out of line and I am shocked you would judge Brandon & Jes in this way. And over the internet...
    There is not ONE way to raise a child and comparing Brandon & Jes to "affluent parents who are too busy to spend time with their own child" is laughable. People usually find some kind of child care not because they can easily afford it, but because they CAN'T afford to not work. Brandon has always felt called to the church and may not want to be in the National Guard forever, so it makes sense for him to get started on this career now. Jes & Brandon's plan was always to have Brandon work at a church, however they couldn't know ahead of time exactly what kind of time commitment that would mean until they got there.

    Many people use some kind of child care, whether it is a family member, a day care, or a carefully selected nanny(who really then becomes a part of the family). You know that Jes & Brandon are still going to be the ones who are with Aurora the VAST MAJORITY of the time. Having Aurora exposed to another person on a regular basis is not going to change her view of Jes or Brandon. And they can still remain as invovled parents even when they are not there by having a good working relationship with their nanny.

    Everyone has different opionions on parenting and should not be judged for them. Just because one thing works for you doesn't mean it will work for everyone else.

  6. Ah crap, mixed up the Nat. Guard/Army thing, sorry Brandon! And as usual adorable pics :) Love to all 3 of you <3 ~Summer
