Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, June 11, 2012

Two Weeks

Its hard to believe, well... a lot of things. Its hard to believe we are parents. Its hard to believe she's been here two weeks already, and its hard to believe it has only been two weeks. (Ever notice how time seems to drag on in the middle of the night? Especially when you're watching the clock, hoping the baby is REALLY asleep, and not just taking one of those 5 minute power naps.)

Week number 2 for Aurora was filled with meeting new people in her life and collecting some photos that she will love and some she will hate when she is older.

Jes's college roommate Summer was visiting for the week, catching up and helping Jes immensely around the house and with her new niece: holding her, changing her and taking many photos. While being cute, sleeping and eating, Aurora managed to make some pretty awesome faces that are 'rather good'.

Aunt Mandy and Uncle Matt also came over to visit (photo of Mandy forthcoming!) to meet the new addition and also to help make our couch more mommy-friendly. We had been using it without the feet, but it was way to low for us to get up and down while holding the baby. Matt can always be counted on to bring tools!

Finally, Grandma Harrington was able to meet grandchild #2 after a long wait and being there with us during the less interesting beginning parts of labor. As soon as she got here, she waited just long enough to wash her hands before she took Aurora for the majority of the night. 

Its been great and all the love and support from all of you has been wonderful. Though, we are looking forward to trying to figure out how she will fit in/change our daily routine in the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings to all three of you! Congratulations. This is a great idea to write a blog. Nice to see pictures and hear about Aurora's progress. Wishing the best and more sleep at night.

    Judy Jones
