Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 29, 2012

4 months

Just a quick update about her four month check in. At our appointment today, the baby wad 25 inches long, 14 lbs 2 oz, and with 42.5 cm head circumference.  Basically this means she's normal, still longish and skinny-ish, but she's got a big head. What this means is we need bigger hats than her "age", to accommodate for her big growing brain!

4 month mug shot

Her favorite pose

pushing up during tummy time

For size comparison, 4 months and 2 months

She is gaining a lot more control of her body, grabbing (intentionally) at her toys, pushing up and rolling around. Soon we will be rocking and rollin'! 

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Well, I took some videos on my camera. Many actually, but only two are worth-while. I am not the best cameraman.

So, here is a little taste of what our days with Aurora are like!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

MN 2012 Part 2: Activities!

Photo tour of our week. Note: Most of the photos come from Tony and Karin, who are excellent amateur photographers!

Thursday: Arrival
Angel and Aurora
Mom, "tia" (me) and Chelsee playing at Tony and Karin's

Friday: Relaxing
We slept in and go hang out at the cabin my parents and Kathi and Brian had rented for the week on White Bear Lake. Aurora met and was held by many excited and awaiting hands.

Hanging out at Bill & Angle's place
Cousin Chelsee playing on Aurora's newly acquired play-mat

Kathi and Aurora

Brian and Aurora

Great Grandma Schmalz, Aurora and me

Brandon grilling at the White Bear Lake cabin

Can you tell we are related? 

Saturday: Renascence Festival

Fabulousness. That is all.
Wide eyed baby loved see the Ren fest

Brandon and I, dressed the part

All of those dressed up, so everyone except Karin who is taking the photo

Sunday: Picnic and Family get together
Fun day at the park, eating, visiting, playing bean bag toss, frisbee golf and documenting the event!

Brandon grilling... again
Paige with Aurora, she was excited!

Sandy, Bill, and Chelsee playing bean bag toss

Its a tough job... and he loves it!

Milling about

Aurora trying the new play-mat

The whole fam-damily
Three generations (and a hot tired baby)

 Monday: Minnesota Zoo
We were able to go to the zoo and have a good time. We have more pictures, but they are mostly of animals and not related to 'baby bloggin', so I am not sharing them all here. :)

Gma and Pa Schmalz, Chelsee and Aurora at the Zoo

Tuesday: Relaxing and dinner at Gma/pa Schmalz

Grilling, again!

Father and son grilling - note its not Brandon!

Brandon and Rick

Hanging out with Rick, Bobbi and Katie 

Gma Schmalz and Aurora - Nom nom!
Aurora napping after eating

Eating in main dining area

Brandon and Tony chatting and eating, both activities in which they excel
Wednesday: On the Road again!
It was a wonderful time, and the trip home again was not bad either. Since Aurora discovered her voice, I tried a few times to record her in the car. Once I figure out how to post videos, you can all see my crude and not so good videography skills, but it will be worth it because the subject matter is adorable! :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

MN 2012 Part 1: Roadtrip

So our 1400+ mile road trip to Minnesota was a success. In an effort to not write a novel and keep your attention, I am breaking it up into parts.

Aurora was an amazing baby. I mean, we knew this already, but she is a trooper! The first day out we left after work, so it was only about a 4 hour trip. She is relatively used to that, since the trip to CT ranges from 2.5 to 4, depending on traffic. No biggie the first day. Day 2 and 3 were 12 hours and 10 hours respectively. She only started crying really the last hour of each day.  Honestly Brandon and I can't blame her, there are adults that would do the same, and maybe earlier.

On the way out, our hotel stays created some interesting memories.

On the first night, we stayed at an Holiday Inn and for some reason were given a two-bed room. With two queen sized beds, there was absolutely no room to put the playpen up, which served as her crib during the trip. So, we decide to divide up. Aurora and I in one bed and Twizzle and Brandon in the other. Needless to say, only a few hours into the evening the dog decides that she wants to come cuddle and sleep with me too. I was laying on my side and she curled up in the crook of my legs while the baby slept on the other side in the middle of the bed. Aurora, as small as she is, still managed to take up way more room than necessary. She is a sprawl-er, or at least was that night. It was not a restful night for me, but at least I know I am loved. :)

I learned my lesson, however, and requested a single bed in the next room. Even if there were two beds though, this room would have had PLENTY of extra space - we got a handicap accessible room. Sleeping was much more comfortable, since there was a chair for the dog to sleep in, the "crib" was set up, and it was a King sized bed. What happened that night that is worth note was an event I like to call: "Return of the Poopinator!"  That evening, I was sitting in the chair with the baby on my lap while Brandon was setting up some plates of food. After a bit, I stood up to go get a drink, and when I moved Aurora my hand was slimed. Gross, but nothing new, so I go about getting the portable changing pad and items to change her diaper. When I open the diaper, noticing all the poop on her leg, I was surprised that it was relatively clean. I looked down at my lap to see if there was more, and there was a little on the bottom of my sundress, but not enough it seemed. After a quick clean up of her bottom, I decided to let her air dry for a bit before a more through check and diapering. I turned around to check the chair and make sure my dress didn't get spread the wealth around, and notice a puddle of poo on the cushion of the chair. I sigh and grab some wipes and a wet towel to clean it with. When I pick up the cushion, i can now see that it was everywhere. Surprise! It puddled on the cushion and slid down the side of the chair, got on her leg, my dress and hand, and missed most of her diaper. I hurry about trying to clean it up... soapy water and a wet clean towel is the best I can manage. I left the cushion sitting upright when we left, I hope they notice and clean it with a wet/dry vac!

On the third day we rose again (haha) and managed our last leg of the trip. We arrived at Bill and Angel's in the early evening. I don't remember anything too noteworthy from that part of the journey, but we were sure happy to get to our destination and run the dog(s) in the backyard some. Twizzle was intimidated by the shy young puppy that Bill and Angel have, but she joined us anyway. (If anyone knows how to teach a dog to have at least a little backbone, let me know!) Mom and Dad had flown in on Wednesday so a bunch of folk, including Bill, Ang and Chelsee had gone to the State Fair that day (Thursday). We were all pretty tired that night, but decided to go over to Tony and Karin's for a relaxed BBQ with my parents, Kathi and Brian, and my bro's and their families.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

It's been a while...

Hello All! Sorry for not posting these last few weeks, they have been kind of crazy, some good and some bad. I intend to post a written update now with a blog full of photos to follow.

So, where we last left off, we were looking towards the week when Brittany and Ondine were coming to visit then go back up north to celebrate their birthdays. It was great to have them visiting, and it was a lot of fun to see Ondine and how the two of them interacted. Ondine is one talkative 12 month old! Aurora was trying to take cues from her and managed some pretty loud coos on occasion.

That weekend (Aug. 11), after Brandon got home from his week doing Army stuff, we went car shopping. We were actually successful in finding ourselves a bigger family-friendly vehicle. We were ecstatic.

That evening, however, ruined our good mood. Jessica had some severe abdominal pain that spread to her chest, so we hurried to the ER to check it out. After going through the EKGs, chest x-rays, and being moved (and forgotten) around the ER for a while, we finally saw someone who was able to do a diagnosis. All the chest and heart tests came back OK, what happened was Jes had gall stones and one might have been blocking. Apparently, it is common to develop gall stones after pregnancy because of the extra hormones running around. Well, by the time they figured this out it was after 9pm (we arrived around 5:30) and those in the ultrasound department, who could confirm this, had already gone home. So they stuck her on some pain meds and we waited until the morning. By Sunday afternoon, we were speaking with a surgeon and around 3pm Jes went in to have her Gal Bladder removed. The surgery went well, however the stone that was blocking caused further issues that developed into Pancreatitis. While this is not rare, it is also not a common development, so Jess stayed in the hospital until Thursday to recover. The only known cure for pancreatitis is to not eat and to rest, its rather painful so they had her on some serious pain medication. Luckily, Jess' parents came in as soon as they heard from Saturday - Monday and Tina was around Monday onward to take care of the baby during this time. Keith arrived for his visit on Friday as well, and although the circumstances weren't wonderful, it was nice to see him and let him have some time with Aurora.

The following weekend (Aug. 18-19), even though Jes was still weak, we had arranged for an infant dedication at FBC Plymouth since both Keith and Tina were around. We decided that we would go anyway, since Keith was in town and Jes was home, to get out of the house a little. It was a nice ceremony, and we were able to see Brandon's uncle and family Sunday afternoon. Jes still hopes to have an actual baptism though, perhaps at the UCC church where Brandon is starting work this month.

After that, Jes was back to work and Tina was around for one last week. The next weekend (Aug. 25) we had bought tickets to see an acapella group (Straight No Chaser) in CT with Jess' parents and Kathi and Brian. Aurora seemed to like it, when she wasn't sleeping. Not too bad of a three-month birthday. :)

3 month mugshot

Finally, on August 29 we started our road trip vacation to Minnesota and arrived home yesterday. Details about the trip will be its own blog post, stay tuned!