Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Lazy Summer days

The major event this past week was that Brandon left to do his Army thing which will last till almost the end of August. Luckily he is home on the weekends, but this means we have no child care while Jes is at work. So Grandma Harrington came to stay with us and help take care of Aurora until Brandon is back. We know this is a bit of time, and it is a great help to us, but we can't help but notice Grandma might be enjoying herself with her granddaughter too...

Gma Harrington and Aurora

This weeks events consisted mostly of her discovering her hands, rolling to her side from her stomach (with much complaining), tracking things with her eyes more, and kick kick kicking. She sleeps soundly in our arms, despite the heat, and is getting better at sleeping alone in her crib (much to Jes's relief). We've noticed she has the Schmalz trait of sticking out one foot, acting as a thermostat. Brandon tried to cover up this foot this weekend but was unsuccessful as it kept escaping even while she slept.

Sleeping with one foot out

Otherwise, she is just hanging out with us while we watch the Olympics or read, being cute as ever. This week coming up Brittany and Ondine are coming down for a few days before Tina returns to Maine with them for the weekend and birthday celebrations. We're looking forward to seeing the girls together, you can be sure there will be pictures!

Being cute in an outfit from Summer, for the summer!