Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Aurora's First Week

There was much celebration welcoming Aurora into this began at the hospital and the party would move back to the house.  Even though Jes had just gone through labor, her spirits were high and parenthood excited her.

Brandon on the other hand was quite nervous to be a new dad (can you tell from this photo?)  He did adapt quickly and very much enjoyed holding his new daughter, though he found it was easier when she was asleep (less squirming).

Grandma and Grandpa Schmalz were on hand to lend support for the new parents as well as smother their new Granddaughter with lots of love.

Setting Aurora up in her car seat was quite the project, but we had to make sure everything was perfect for her first car ride...

It has been almost a week, and Jes and Brandon are learning very quickly that Aurora sets the schedule (especially at night when it comes to sleeping).  They are enjoying it immensely and believe that Aurora is too!!!


Twas the 25th day of May 2012, when at approximately 4:03 pm baby Aurora Lee Harrington graced the world with her presence.  But seriously...Jes and Bran welcomed the new arrival; she weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 21 in. long. It was a long day/process in the hospital, but with this blessing, the experience was more than worth the wait.